Let me begin by saying, it's not like I never answer the phone. With a few exceptions, like my daughter and my mom's daycare providers, I usually let the call go to voice mail and then choose a day Continue Reading
Is It Time To Review Your Will?
A few years ago I was reading a financial book and got to a chapter on wills and trusts. As I was reading, I decided to stop and run downstairs to my office to review my will. To my shock, I hadn't Continue Reading
Stuck In A Snow Storm
It's snowing like crazy here in New England and because of the bad weather adult day care was cancelled yesterday. My mother attends Sarah's Place in Haverhill, MA. She's been going there Continue Reading
DNR – Do Not Resuscitate
Earlier in the week, an incident with my mother got me thinking about her DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) order. The ambulance was transporting her to the hospital and I mentioned to them she had a DNR. Continue Reading
How To Choose The Right Caregiver for an Aging Parent
If you're stuck in the sandwich generation and your parents are beginning to get older, you've probably thought about getting some help for your aging parent. Maybe they've already told you they want Continue Reading
Why I’m Doing The Whole 30 {Again}
A few years ago I was introduced to the Whole 30 Program after reading the eye opening book It Starts with Food by Melissa and Dallas Hartwig. The book was an eye opener for me because it outlined Continue Reading