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Let me begin by saying, it’s not like I never answer the phone.
With a few exceptions, like my daughter and my mom’s daycare providers, I usually let the call go to voice mail and then choose a day and time of my liking to return the call.
Why do I do this? Why do I hate answering the phone?
Let me tell you…
Table of Contents
Why I Hate To Answer the Phone
1. It Interrupts My Work Flow
I write for a living and so a good portion of my day, I’m researching, drafting new articles or fixing up the ones getting ready to be published. If I stopped and answered the phone every time someone called, I’d get nothing done.
Often I mute my office and home phone, so I don’t ever have to hear the ringer go off.
Well, to be honest, it’s off most of the time because I usually forget to turn it back on. But, the point is, the ringer is the equivalent of the little noise that goes off on your computer when you get mail, or that sound Facebook makes when someone posts to your wall.
It’s annoying, and distracting, and well, I hate it.
Read: Time Management Tips for Busy Bloggers
2. Sometimes I Don’t Want To Talk To You
Now, this may hurt my friends’ feelings, but sometimes I just don’t feel like talking to them.
I have wonderful friends, but we have collectively helped each other solve our problems by calling at all hours of the day or night to seek an opinion on everything from ‘do these shoes go with this outfit,’ to ‘I have an idea for your business that I’ve got to share.’
Sometimes, I don’t care if their shoes match, and I can’t take another idea for my business; I just want to be left alone.
In peace.
And quiet.
And, so I don’t answer their calls. They go to voice mail, and I call them when I have the patience to hear yet another story about some idiot they just got back from a date with, or the next great money making idea that popped into their head.
Read: Learning The Art of Saying No
3. No, I Don’t Want To Give You Money
Let me preface by saying that I give to charity regularly. I also make political contributions and donate items to people who can use them.
But I make this decision where I see fit.
I learned a trick many years ago.
Determine the causes that are most important to you and stick to that list, or you’ll find yourself giving to charities and causes that don’t resonate with you.
For me I give to charities that work with foster and adoptive children, a select number of conservative candidates (don’t hate me, my liberal readers) and my local animal shelter and social service agency helping homeless families.
That’s it.
When I do answer the phone and the person calling doesn’t meet my personal criteria, I politely tell them that I only give to certain organizations, and I’m sorry, but you’re not on my list. Then, I ask them to remove me from their list and hang up.
Most are respectful of my wishes and put me on their Do Not Call List, but if they don’t, I continue to ask or ignore their calls altogether.
Read: 5 New Year Resolutions Every Woman Should Make This Year
I’m a writer, mother, caretaker to my elderly mother, friend to many. I have a lot of demands on my life. I’ve got deadlines, responsibilities, and urgent issues that often seep into my day and distract me from what I’d like to be doing.
Answering the phone every time it rings isn’t high on my priority list and it probably never will be. I’ve got to manage my time and resources, and I need to take care of me.
Am I selfish? Probably, but don’t expect me to answer the phone when you call to tell me.