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Freeze Your Spending – Change Your Mindset
Let’s be honest for a minute – we all get derailed from time to time when it comes to budgeting and managing our money. Whether you overspent over the holidays or you can’t seem to stop shouting “I’ll have a large caramel macchiato” at the Starbucks barista, sometimes we need to just step back, take a deep breath and hit the reset button!
If you’ve been trucking along on your financial journey and have started to realize you have no idea where your money is going or how it got there than a month of no spending might just be what the doctor ordered as a way to reset your spending habits.
That’s why the Debt Free Mess Free Community is going to embark on a No Spend Challenge as a way to get us all on track.
For 28 days we’ll commit to spending zero while we embrace our understanding of money in a whole new way.
This challenge won’t be your typical No Spend Challenge. Sure, it will have you rethinking how you spend your money. But it will open your eyes to the motivations behind your spending so you can learn to replace your bad habits with better ones.
Here’s what past participants had to say about the No Spend Challenge:
Hello! I just wanted to share that I saved $2,200 by participating in the no spend challenge. But besides the money, I learned so much about my spending habits and motivations. The Challenge really helped me start looking at money very differently. Instead of just shopping because I’m bored or lonely, you gave me the tools to really figure out what’s going on and to make a different choice. I appreciate everything this challenge taught me! Sandra
Hey, Maureen- Thank you so much for this thought provoking challenge! (A no spend challenge I tried in the past had us having a home spa day!?) I didn’t do this challenge to save money as much as to change a few spending habits. I did save about $80 by staying out of thrift stores and not going out to lunch. Thank you for the time you put into this challenge. Suzanne
I took the No Spend Challenge knowing that I wasn’t really ready mentally. What I realized at the end of the month though was completely worth it. I failed miserably at the challenge, I only completed half of the tasks, spent like I had before I started trying to pay off debt, and felt like a failure or pretended it wasn’t happening the whole month. What I learned, however, transcends money. I need to live my life with a purpose and a plan. I’ve never had a solid plan. I’ve had things I wanted but never a set path on how to get there. I want control of my finances, I want to grow my family, and I want a neat and organized house. In order to do all of this, I need to think about this and do things that will help me to reach my goals every day. Thank you all for support and safety. Stephanie
I’m so proud of myself. Yesterday, I had about 45 minutes to waste before getting my Goddaughter. I was already on her side of town (1 hour from where I live), usually I’d go shopping to waste time, instead, I pulled into the shopping parking lot, parked and went through my emails, deleting and cleaning it up. It proves I’m thinking before going into a place that I would have bought stuff I probably didn’t REALLY need at the moment. I truly believe that challenge has rewired my thoughts. Kay
To be honest, I didn’t feel like I was doing the best I could, but at the end of the month, I was left with more money in my bank account than ever before. And only thing I did differently was bringing lunch to work every day (I thought I was doing that, but I realized I wasn’t for about 50% of days) and I refrained from buying when I went to Ikea and similar stores, where I absolutely knew I didn’t need anything, even though I want everything. Pattie
Still not sure? Here’s what you have to gain from taking this challenge:
- Discover the joy of saving.
- Learn how zero spending can transform your attitude about spending.
- Discover the simple system of determining your wants and needs.
- Learn to budget based on YOUR values, not someone else’s.
- Gather ideas for using what you have in a better way.
- Declutter and rid the excess in your home as a way to make room for a simpler lifestyle.
- Understand and embrace the idea of simplicity and contentment.
- Learn simple tips and tricks for selling your stuff, slashing your bills and saving on food.
- Craft a spending plan
- And, a whole lot more…
I know all too well how stressful an out of control budget can make your feel. But what I also know is sometimes we need to hit the reset button and a No Spend Challenge is a great way to do just that and regain control. Over the course of 28 days, you’ll receive simple but powerful assignments that will empower you and inspire you to look at your money in a whole new way AND get your finances back on track.
The No Spend Challenge is currently closed.
If you’d like some additional information to help you on your financial journey, sign up for our Strategies Handbook. From there you’ll be connected to all the great resources and information we share and we’ll let you know when the next No Spend Challenge is happening!