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Over the last couple of weeks, you’ve had the opportunity to look at your family’s money story and where it came from. You’ve had the chance to forgive those who taught you their ways and to let go of those old beliefs about money that no longer serve you. Now it’s time for you to become a leader and to fully embrace a new legacy for yourself and your family. Even if you’re a family of one, you can create a legacy for yourself that opens the door for embracing and implementing new ways of thinking, feeling and behaving with money.
Most people, when they get to this part of the process, feel it’s almost unnecessary to identify the new behaviors they’ll embrace moving forward. But they would be wrong.
This exercise is one more part of the commitment that you made when you started this challenge to do things differently.
How To Create A New Money Legacy
Download today’s form I created for you.
On the form I’ve included with today’s exercise, there are 25 different statements. Each statement represents a behavior or feeling around money. You’re going to read each statement carefully.
Don’t rush this process, read them at least once possibly more. If any stand out for you, put a little check mark next to them.
After you’ve reviewed them, I want you to pick seven statements that resonate the most with you. Which statements speak to you and when you read them you’re like, ‘yes, that’s what I want for my new legacy.’
Which statements can you embrace as your own? Pick your top 7.
Then you’re going to put them in order of most importance for you.
Ask yourself, “Of these seven, which one is the most important? Which one is the second most important?”
They’re all going to be important to you, but which one is the most, second most and third most important? You’re going to rank them in order. There’s a place on the form I gave you to do that.
Some of these statements are super practical, some of them are more energetic. The point is, these are the statements that start to define your money legacy.
Over time you’re going to see a difference by just identifying them and writing them down.
This is your new money legacy. It’s the commitment you’re making to do the right things with your money, to act in a certain way and to embrace money so you can get out of debt and have the life you want.
Now, go back to the statement sheet and pick two statements that resonate the least for you.
Write them in the space provided.
Those two statements, although you may think they don’t resonate with you, hold the opportunity for you to have a breakthrough with your money. Typically it’s something you’re avoiding like the plague, something you don’t want to look at.
Every once in a while look at those statements and dig around and think: what is it about that statement that has you running the other way? What are you trying to avoid here? If you can figure that out, it will make a significant impact on your relationship with money moving forward.
The reality is these are already in your life in some way. Now’s the time to address it so you can move past this sticking point and on to bigger and better things.
Remember, take your time with this exercise. Don’t rush it.