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Back in the day when I had a huge amount of debt I didn’t pay my bills with any regularity. It was completely random. Maybe you can relate?
When you don’t have a system, things can get pretty ugly. You end up with all this chaos and drama, wasting energy juggling, remembering and worrying about paying your bills.
So here’s what I want you to do – it’s so simple – I want you to decide how often you would like to pay your bills. Do you want to pay your bills once a month, twice or more frequently?
Once you make the decisions you’re going to commit to it.
Get out your calendar. If you decided you want to pay your bills weekly, pick which day of the week and put it in your calendar. Put, ‘Pay Bills’ on each corresponding day. If you decide to pay your bills twice a month pick two day – maybe the 3rd and 16th and schedule it into your planner.
Now schedule it out for the remainder of the year.
Each time you see ‘Pay Bills’ in your calendar you’ll grab your envelope or open up your online bill pay system and write those checks.
No more randomness, confusion and chaos.
You’ve replaced it with predictability and stress-free planning.