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Do you ever have feelings of envy or jealousy at people who have more money or wealth? Do your resent the rich?
Do you want to have more wealth in your life? Do you want to be rich?
If so, this raises a serious dilemma, as these two feelings almost cancel each other out.
On the one hand, you want more money in your life and on the other, you resent the heck out of people who are better off than you. Feel the disconnect?
[tweetthis]It’s impossible to achieve success when you’re envious of those more fortunate.[/tweetthis]
A friend recently wrote me to share his struggles with similar feelings of jealousy and resentment over others who are better off.
He expressed his confusion around his mindset, which tells him you can’t be a good person and be rich. In other words, you can’t be spiritual and wealthy – you need to be one or the other.
I know where this belief came from and I want to help you realize this old belief system is false.
There was a time when I was exploring my spirituality and was reading anything and everything that I could get my hands on. I grew to love reading and listening to Marianne Williamson and her talks on The Principles on A Course In Miracles.
Marianne states: “Like everything else, money is either holy or unholy, depending on the purposes ascribed to it by the mind. We tend to do with money what we do with sex: we desire it, but we judge the desire. It is the judgment that then distorts the desire, turning it into an ugly expression. Because we are ashamed to admit that we want these things, we have insidious ways of pretending that we don’t – such as condemning our desires even as we act them out. “
[tweetthis]Our judgment of money is just our ego’s way of making sure we don’t have any. [/tweetthis]
What we repel against, we can never have. But on the other side, what we bless, we draw to ourselves.
It’s our small self that makes us believe we have to sacrifice if we are spiritual or a good person. This isn’t so. The world is there to support us and lead us to whatever abundance awaits.
I know that many people intellectually understand the statement, but there’s a lot of work to be done to overcome feelings and old beliefs we carry around with us, weighing us down and preventing us from having all that we desire.
My request to you is to adopt this new mindset: Be open to receiving money and trust that it always will find its way to you.
If you need more help shifting your mindset, click on the link and grab my FREE money affirmations. Said with heartfelt intent, these affirmations will move you away from your old limiting beliefs and towards embracing all that is rightfully yours. Greater wealth does await you.
Small but simple mindset shifts will have a profound effect on your ability to start attracting money into your life.
I would love to hear how these shifts helps you.