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Christmas in a jar is pretty popular right now. All over the internet and on Pinterest you can find all sorts of gift ideas in jars.
But this one caught my eye because of its simplicity and functionality.
Welcome to Day 6 of 100 Days of Debt Free DIY Holiday Ideas, projects, recipes, gift ideas and budget friendly advice and strategies to help you have a great holiday without breaking the bank!
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Today’s DIY Holiday craft is brought to us from Deanna at Honey and Lime.
The smell of orange, cranberry, and spices warmed on the stove permeates the entire house. Can’t you almost smell it right now?
These great little jars filled with the scents of the holidays will make a great gift for the neighbors, teachers, book club friends – anyone you want to impress!
When I make mine, I’m going to make a whole batch and keep them for myself. This way I’ll have potpourri on hand and can infuse my homes air with a natural scent instead of lighting a candle that’s filled with chemicals.
I love this DIY project and I hope you do too!