When your credit cards are maxed out and the interest for those accounts is high, the stress can be almost debilitating. It feels like you’ll never get out from under, especially if you're over 40 and Continue Reading
How to Automate Your Savings Simply and Safely
Setting aside money from your budget for savings can be easy for some people but challenging for others. It’s tempting to spend what you make particularly when struggling with emotional spending. And Continue Reading
Saving Money On Back To School Clothes and Supplies
It seems that the cost of sending your kids back to school goes up every year. Saving money on back to school clothes and supplies are getting super costly. And if you have more than one child, it can Continue Reading
Budget Friendly Summer Activities – How To Develop Your June Spending Plan
Summertime is here which means the kids are out of school. With all of their energy, they’re probably bouncing off the walls or screaming "I'm bored." But keeping them busy and active over the summer Continue Reading
How to Develop Your Spending Plan – May
Our How To Develop Your Spending Plan continues with a look into how to save money during the month of May and what adjustments to consider as we head into the warmer months. To see the entire series Continue Reading
How To Choose The Right Accountability Partner
Last Saturday I spent the good part of the day with a group of women who had set out on a year-long journey of improving their lives. I was asked to speak to this group on the topic of money and Continue Reading
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