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The economy is picking up, but we’re still months away from life as we once knew it. In fact, we may never return to the way things were. But, despite this economic climate there are people who still thrive.
What do they know that others don’t? Could it be they understand they don’t have to be helpless victims of outside forces?
Folks who make six figures or more have specific traits that help them thrive during the toughest of economic climates. Like the phrase, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going”, these individuals understand what it takes and how to make it happen.
Here’s the 7 Secrets to Financial Success:
1. They’re Paid Their Worth: Financially successful people expect to be well compensated for their work. While money may not be their only or even their main driving force, they want to make and feel good about making money. On the other hand, under-earners often underestimate their worth or work for free. Rather than feeling positive about making money they may look down on people with money and believe in the myth of noble poverty.
2. They’re Gutsy: To succeed financially you need to step beyond your comfort zone. I’m not suggesting becoming a wild risk taker; however, the financially successful person acknowledges the need to take some risks and tolerate the discomfort that comes with going beyond the comfort zone. For example, asking for a raise, negotiating your salary, or raising your fees may produce fear and discomfort. The person who is financially successful understands that fear is just an emotion and takes the step anyways.
3. They Try, Try Again: People who are financially successful understand they need to have the ability to bounce back from their mistakes and failures. And, although none of us like to make mistakes, the person who thrives financially understand it’s part of the process. They are willing to tolerate the discomfort of failure to start again and achieve their financial goals.
4. They Get the Support They Need: Financially successful people surround themselves with a supportive network of family and friends. They seek and give support freely and their supportive relationships catapult their financial success.
5. They Are Self-Aware: When you are self-aware, you have the ability to see where you are in the current moment and have a clear picture of where you want to be. You are open to change in ways others who are less self-aware are not. Self-awareness opens the door to change, success, and the future we desire for ourselves.
6. They Cultivate Acceptance: Often we find ourselves holding on to things we can’t control. This severely limits our ability to change the things within our control — like ourselves and our choices. By letting go and living in the present moment, we are free to make better choices with a clear mind and purpose.
7. They Know About Money: Most men and women have a complicated relationship with money. Because money touches every aspect of our lives, we need to learn and understand how to use money effectively. Financially successful people know and understand the basics of personal finance.
Handling your money, getting out of debt and taking control can be challenging – but it doesn’t have to be that way. You can create financial success starting today.
Pick a money day in the next few weeks and balance that checkbook, open up a savings account, or plan how you’ll ask for that raise and be willing to step outside your comfort zone.
Does it seem like a daunting list?
Start with one habit and practice it until it becomes second nature. Explore your relationship with money so you can shine a light on the areas that need work.
Eventually you’ll find the habits become second nature.