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The world today is stressful with a capital S. Our homes need to be our sanctuaries. Today I want to show you my ten rules for a peaceful and clean bedroom.
Table of Contents
Make your bed every day
Love your bed
Put clothing in its place
Keep clutter away (it’s a bedroom not a storage unit!)
Clean the air
Follow my daily tidy checklist
Schedule a monthly deep clean
Make it pretty
TV or no TV?
Set boundaries
Let’s get started!
Clean Bedroom Rule #1: Make Your Bed Every Day
If you pick one thing from this list, let it be this – make your bed every day. Yes, I really mean every day! I used to be a bed-making doubter because I just couldn’t see the value in making my bed when I was just going to undo my handy work at the end of the day. What’s the point? I kept my bed unmade and moved on with my day, but every time I read advice from productivity experts on how to be successful in life, the experts sounded like a broken record. They all said the same thing – make your bed.
So, I took their advice, and here’s what happened.
My bedroom instantly felt cleaner and more inviting. The rest of my day got more productive too, and I’m convinced it was because making my bed gave me a tiny push of momentum that carried me through my day. I had already gotten something checked off my to-do list, and I was ready to do more. Plus, I loved slipping into neat and clean bed sheets at the end of the day instead of coming to bed exhausted and having to move a pile of laundry, three books, and spread out a crumpled quilt before going to bed.
Need help making your bed the right way? Check out this post about how to make a bed.
Clean Bedroom Rule #2: Love Your Bed
Now that you are making your bed, you are probably liking the way your bed looks more than you have before, but let me ask you, do you love your bed?
When it comes to our bedrooms, I feel very strongly about one thing – we all deserve beds and bedrooms we love and that make us smile when we walk in from a long day. What are the stumbling blocks in your life keeping you from loving your bedroom? So often, we have a tendency to put ourselves last, and because no one uses or even sees our bedroom but us, we tend to not want to spend time or money making it nice. Let’s change that!
If you don’t love your bedding, maybe it’s time to go shopping for something you do love. Pick a quilt or duvet in your favorite color. Make sure you like not just the look of the fabric but also the feel. Find a throw pillow with a pattern or image on it that makes you smile. Loving your bed not only provides good motivation to make it every morning, but it also is the first step to turning your bedroom into the haven you need it to be.
On a tight budget? New bedding doesn’t have to be expensive. I bought the quilt on my bed on sale at Walmart. It’s not fancy in the slightest, but it makes me happy. Look for bedding you love on sale, at discount stores, even check your local thrift shop. My local thrift store always has a few beautiful patchwork quilts for sale that would make lovely bedding.
Clean Bedroom Rule #3: Put Clothing In Its Place
One chore I dreaded doing was reorganizing and putting away all of the clothes scattered around my bedroom. One day it dawned on me, I wouldn’t have to devote an hour once a week to this dreaded chore if I just put my clothes away right after wearing them. (I know some of y’all might be saying “Duh!”, but I’m a naturally messy gal. Common sense cleaning was never my strength! I tend to learn my cleaning lessons the hard way.)
What happened when I decided to immediately put my clothes away at the end of the day or at the end of the laundry cycle genuinely shocked, amazed, and delighted me. That dreaded chore of putting a mountain of clothing away no longer had to be done! Wow! Is this how neat people live?? Mind blown. Check out this post about easy ways to keep clothing clutter put where it belongs.
Instead of being thrown on the floor, any dirty clothing can now be placed inside a laundry hamper I put in my closet to be washed later. Also, I hung and folded clothing items right away instead of draping them on the ever growing pile on my bedside chair. I never had to stress about a bedroom strewn with clothing ever again.
Clean Bedroom Rule #4: Is It A Bedroom Or A Storage Unit?
I live in a very old house with almost no closets or storage space. This results in my family needing to be very conscious of the amount of stuff we keep in our home, but sometimes I have stuff that I need to keep but have no space to store. Prime example – right now, I’m prepping for back-to-school season with three kids, and I’ve got stacks and stacks of school supplies ready to go with them on the first day of school. I’ve got no closet space to put them in, and I don’t want them cluttering up our home’s main living areas. So where do the school supplies go? In the corner of my bedroom, of course.
Can you relate? Do you have a tendency to put stuff that doesn’t have a home in your bedroom because “no one else will see it but me”? Clutter is stressful, and the last things you want to see before falling asleep are those plastic storage bins filled with Christmas decorations that you should have put in the basement six months ago (Definitely not speaking from my own personal experience. Giving you an example told to me by a friend. Um, yeah. . . a friend.)
Just like I said in rule #2, you matter, so the space in your home that is devoted to you matters too. If your bedroom is filled with clutter, take ten minutes whenever you can manage, and work on that clutter. You will be surprised to find that a clutter-free bedroom will bring such a sense of peace to your life. Check out this post about how minimalism can help tame clutter. I’m for sure not a minimalist, but you don’t have to embrace the lifestyle fully to learn helpful tips and tricks for keeping clutter at bay.
Clean Bedroom Rule #5: Don’t Forget to Clean The Air
We spend almost a third of our lives asleep, so make sure that the air you are breathing during all of that time is clean and healthy. I make a point of opening my bedroom windows once a week to let fresh air circulate into the room.
House plants not only bring a pop of beautiful green color to your space, but a lot of house plants help filter the air. If you are like me and were not born with green thumbs, try a hardy option like a snake plant or dracaena.
Air purifiers work wonders for creating clean, healthy air. Here is more good advice on using air purifiers.
Clean Bedroom Rule #6: Create A Daily Tidy Checklist
It’s always best to clean mole hills before they become mountains. As the old saying goes, a stitch in time saves nine, or in other words, spending five minutes tidying up your bedroom every day will save you from having to spend five hours cleaning it two weeks from now. Here is my daily 5 minute clean bedroom checklist:
- Make the bed
- Clear night stand and other flat surfaces like the top of my dresser
- Pick up and put away anything that is on the floor
- Check the closet laundry basket – if it’s really full, it’s time to wash a load.
It’s not a groundbreaking, totally unique checklist, but making this quick tidy of your bedroom a daily habit will mean your bedroom remains a calm and peaceful retreat. Ready for more daily cleaning habits? Check out this post about 7 daily habits to add to your checklist.
Clean Bedroom Rule #7: Schedule A Monthly Deep Clean
A daily clean bedroom routine will make this next task easy-peasy. You’ve taken care of the little clutter messes every day giving you the space to go in and clean more deeply when you need. Here’s a checklist for a monthly deep clean:
- Open the windows to let in fresh air.
- Wash all of your bedding – quilt, duvet, decorative pillowcases, bed skirt, ect.
- Sprinkle baking soda and a little essential oil in a scent you enjoy on your mattress. Let it sit for a minute and then vacuum.
- Dust hard surfaces.
- Vacuum the floor – don’t forget under your bed!
- Mop the floor.
- Look in your closet and pick one or two items to donate.
Clean Bedroom Rule #8: Add Something Pretty
Like I said before, we must get out of this mindset that nice things should be saved for only the spaces in our homes that others see. Yes, we deserve a clean bedroom, but to add to that, we deserve a peaceful and happy bedroom too. Let’s add something pretty to our bedrooms. I love a scented candle. Lighting a good-smelling candle and sitting in the cozy armchair in my bedroom is the perfect way to unwind with a cup of tea and a book. Here are some ideas for items that can turn your bedroom into your peaceful retreat:
- Candles
- Soft throw pillows
- A cozy blanket draped over a comfortable armchair
- Nice lighting – lamps always feel more cozy and peaceful than overhead lighting
- Artwork you love
On a budget? No worries. The dollar store or grocery store can be a great place to pick up affordable but nice scented candles, and the thrift store is great for framed art.
Let me tell you my trick for making my home feel new and pretty without spending a dime.
I “go shopping” in my own house. Walk around your house. Chances are you have a little bit of everything I listed above in your living room or den. Grab a few of the throw pillows from your living room sofa and that framed art poster you love in your den, and put them in your bedroom to build a pretty room just for you.
Clean Bedroom Rule #9: TV Or No TV?
Do you have a TV in your bedroom? Some people feel very strongly about this topic and insist that having a television in your bedroom is bad for your sleep.
I feel a little differently.
My husband and I love to watch TV together at night, and the only other TV in our house is in a den we share with our kids. Sitting down together in our peaceful and clean bedroom is so much more enjoyable than sitting down in a den with toys on the floor and a sippy cup lodged in the couch cushions, so we are for sure on team bedroom TV. What do you think?
Clean Bedroom Rule #10: Set Boundaries
We want our bedrooms to be our peaceful and clean place to return to at the end of the day, a place where we can relax and unwind. If we want to maintain that sense of peace and relaxation, we’re going to have to set some boundaries.
Do you live with young children? It’s probably unrealistic to say that your kids will never come in your bedroom, but if they are using your bedroom floor to set up their train set and your bed is filled with their stuffed animals, it might be time to say your bedroom is not a place for kids to play.
Boundaries can be for people, but boundaries can also be for things.
Does your cell phone ping texts and emails at you all night? Maybe charging it in the kitchen overnight is a better place for it. Did you bring work home from the office, and now it’s piled up on your nightstand, so every time you go in your bedroom, all you see is work to be done? Let’s banish work to the dining table or home office desk.
We don’t need to spend oodles of money or hours upon hours of time to achieve our desired result – a peaceful and clean bedroom that we can enjoy. Following these ten rules can help create a bedroom haven you will treasure. When we have good cleaning habits, having a peaceful and clean home becomes automatic and easy. Check out this post about the 12 habits of People who always have clean homes if you need convincing that consistent habits work.
Have a great bedroom cleaning tip? Join us in our Facebook group and share it with us!